India Transport Report: Moving India to 2032 (Chapter wise)

Volume I :
Executive Summary

Volume II :
Main Report

Volume III :
Sector Reports

Part – I

  1. Preface
  2. NTDPC’s Approach to Transport Policy
  3. Trends in Growth and Development of Transport
  4. Macroeconomic Growth Backdrop: Transport Investment Requirements 2012-2032
  5. Integrated Transport: Strategy and Logistics
  6. Institutions for Transport System Governance
  7. Regulatory Issues: An Overall Approach
  8. Annexes to Preface

Part – II

  1. Energy and Environment
  2. Transportation of Energy Commodities
  3. Fiscal Issues
  4. Potential of Information and Communication Technology to Enhance Transport Efficiency
  5. Research and Human Resource Development
  6. Safety
  7. Promoting International Transport Connectivity Between India and the South and South East Asia Regions

Part – I

  1. Railways
  2. Roads and Road Transport
  3. Civil Aviation

Part – II

  1. Ports and Shipping
  2. Urban Transport
  3. Transport Development in the North East




Working Group Reports

  1. Railways
  2. Roads
  3. Civil Aviation
  4. Ports and Shipping
  5. Urban Transport
  6. Integrated Strategy for Bulk Transport of Energy and Related Commodities in India
  7. Improvement and Development of Transport Infrastructure in the North East

 Study Reports

  1. Fiscal Issues and Allocative Efficiency
  2. Life cycle analysis of transport modes -
    > Volume I – LCA framework and findings
    > Volume II – Summary of literature reviews and primary questionnaires used for data collection

Paper Received from world Bank as Technical Assistance

  1. Highway Sector by Clell Harral
  2. Railways Sector by Paul Amos
  3. Urban Transport Sector by Ken Gwilliam
  4. Port Sector by Marten van den Bossche